See Both Sides
Demonstrating that most Israel boycotting is about just being partisan and anti-Israel

Below are some of the world travesties consistently ignored by boycott callers, while instead, their invective is directed ONLY towards Israel through (hypocritical) boycot activities and towards Jews through veiled anti-Semitism.
210,00+ killed and 10.8million made homeless in Syria
600+ Palestinians losing their livelihoods thanks to the BDS and their boycott of SodaStream who simply moved location
$2.1 billion of world aid misappropriated by Hamas (recognised by the EU as a terrorist organisation)
Two Hamas leaders are now multi-billionaires - how is this while their subjects have nothing?
Recent Prime Minister of Gaza is now a four-times millionaire (he had nothing prior to 2005)
1,400+ migrant workers dead building football stadiums for the world cup in Qatar (estimated at 4,000+ dead by the time of the World cup)
There no longer are any Christians in Mosul, Iraq for the first time in 1,055 years, all having been murdered or chased out
Basic human rights' repression in China for decades and their murder in and oppression of Tibet and its people
Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara
Turkey's ongoing occupation of North Cyprus
Proof, now independently provided, that the four youths allegedly killed on the Gaza beach by the IDF were not actually killed by the IDF at all, and may in fact have been killed elsewhere by Hamas and falsely placed there by that proscribed terrorist group
Dafur, Russia, Somalia, Nigeria, North Korea etc
21 Coptic Christians beheaded by IS in February 2015
The tombs of biblical prophets Jonah and Daniel leveled by explosives
More than 40 churches burned to the ground in Egypt
A 2,000 year-old synagogue known as home to the prophet Elijah reduced to rubble
The oldest Islamic shrine in Iraq demolished
A 1,300 year-old church in Iraq damaged beyond repair
- 151 of 162 of the world's countries covered by Institute for Economics and Peace’s (IEP’s) latest study are currently in conflict yet none of the orgainsations or individuals constantly attacking and demonising Israel ever mention them

British MP George Galloway receives a Palestinian passport (?) from billionaire Hamas senior, Ismail Haniyah who is reportedly worth $3.5billion, an incalculable accumulation for a non-industrialist that is NEVER questioned as to how it has been obtained while Palestinians are sufferiing under Hamas rule
An incalculable accumulation for a non-industrialist that is NEVER questioned as to how it has been obtained while Palestinians are suffering under Hamas rule
Some George Galloway facts and resources
2015 UK General Election - make up your own mind
Praising a Holocaust denial book
His infmalatory anti-Israel remarks not befitting an MP
His support for brutal dictators
Third Yorkshire Police inquiry
Request not to tar Bradford with the same brush
Swearing at a constituent and admitting his uselessness
Legal firm denying breaching of rules
His lawyers being reported to legal regulator
Legal advice for anyone being sued by him

The self-styled and extremely anti-Jewish BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, run by astoundingly wealthy Qataris who are noted for doing nothing but harming the cause of the Palestinains they supposedly represent, continually proves this week in week out. It's supporters are all notorious anti-Semites, drawn from Socialist, rent-a-mob unemployables, many of whom don't even know where Gaza is.
21 BDS supporters arrested in Pretoria as dozens of teens raid and loot a Pretoria store selling Israeli-made goods
500 Palestinians made redundant by BDS - after BDS cause closure of Israeli SodaStream plant
Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the United Church of Christ outed as the virulent anti-Semites they really are
For information, this is the Hamas Charted caloing for the destruction of Israel and the death of Jews
SodaStream chief outs Omar Barghouti, the multi-millionaire self-styled leader of the BDS movement as the hypocritical, two-faced shyster he is, a man who cares so little about the Palestinians he claims to care about
Superb article in the Bucks County Courier Times written by Jeff Gross explaining clearly how the activities of the BDS are driven purely by nothing but anti-Stemitism and not out of any care for humanity and in particular the Palestinians whom they claim to represent.
A superb article on the i24 website where world-famous Brazilian musicians Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso tell self-publicict and anti-Semite Roger Waters, who uses the BDS purely to sell tickets and shift Pink Floyd product to his new audience, to go whistle.