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Links and Resources

These are links to external sources, opinions and videos.

Here are some links which will help those without a clue get a better grasp on the reality versus misinformation in Gaza concerning the terrorist group Hamas.

This is precisely what the multi-millionaires of BDS get their underwear in a twist over - anyone exposing the truth about Gaza and the Palestinians that the BDS don't actually care about.


That featured on this page the BDS will never tell you, as they instruct everyone to boycott Israel. This while at the same time the BDS and its distasteful and anti-Semitic followers hypocritically use Israeli technology, and one of their wealthy Qatari leaders, Omar Bhargouti, pays to attend Tel Aviv University. This while he instructs eveyone to boycott Israel, and stupid Universities and Colleges througout the world follow suit like uneducated sheep with their own pointless, undemocratic and anti-Semitic boycotts.


While Bhargouti, pays to attend Tel Aviv University . . . . . . in Israel. Not in Gaza, Egypt or his home Qatar. But in Israel. The one he wants everyone elso to boycott.




Amnesty International condemn Hamas rocketing of Israel in 2014 conflict

‘Misfired Hamas rockets’ now confirmed as killed children in Gaza

Palestinian-supporting scum swearing and shouting "Heil Hitler" outside a synagogue

Hamas charter of murder
Hamas manual on benefits using human shields
Hamas using hospital to launch rockets from
Leo McKinstry on paying a terrible price for supporting Hamas
Hamas dressing up as Orthodox Jews to execute suicide bombings
Hamas and the murdered IDF soldier they knew "nothing" about
Charles Moore on the West ignoring Hamas and Isis 'disproportionate' violence
Son of Hamas founder tells truth about Hamas
Daily mail questions inactivity on middle east areas outide Israel

IDF helps abandoned chained and starving Palestinian
IDF soldier helps wounded child in Gaza

Saudi King blames Hamas over Gaza
Staged Gaza attack
CNN guest rips media for being ‘Used as dupes’ By Hamas
News organisations condemned over falsifying Gaza deaths
World ignores Christians leaving Islamic areas
Boycott can't be exclusive

So you want to boycott Israel?
British Colonel Kemp on Protective Edge
BBC report about fake photos from Gaza
New Delhi reporter on Hamas rocket fired from Gaza suburb
Rocket launcher found next to UN building in Gaza
Weapons found in 3rd UNRWA Gaza school
Hamas fire into UN facility
Gaza Strip population and empty spaces
Senators want UNRWA investigated over 'troubling' Gaza role
Washington Post on moral clarity in Gaza
Great video on hypocrisy over Gaza

Palestinian children with guns
Tesco store trashed by Muslim Gaza protesters
Actor John Voight blasts ignorance of Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

Galloway's cat incidence on reality show
Galloway and police
Galloway in Yorkshire Post
Galloway supports Arab dictators

The poor Palestinians
CNN interview Israeli cabinet member discussing crisis
Spectator Magazine shows disgust at anti-Semitic Palestinian rabble rally in London
Letter of apology for Israel defending itself
Jihadist hypocrisy over slaughtering of fellow Muslims
Lunatic ISIS in Iraq
ISIS whipping up death to Israel

Massacre of Sunnis by ISIS


The West Bank for Dummies

An Israeli woman who lives near Gaza

What the Media gets wrong about Israel by Matti Friedman

A message to journalists that even kids could understand

Information from the IDF re Gaza Security

 Why Israel doesn't just withdraw to its 1948 borders


Anti-Semitisim is the motivation for BDS

BDS. The attempt to strangle Israel

BDS and the Big Lie. David Collier

Caroline Glick on Double standards

Hamas show their true colours - fake tank - lies and lies









The supreme leader of Iran worth a fortune way far in excess of that of the deposed Shah

Here are some other excellent resources and articles:


  • The wonderful Pat Condell tells it as it is

  • Fighting anti-Semitism online - a great site for reporting the purveyors of hate

  • United with Israel - a great site that monitors many of those who cross the dividing line between anti-Semitism and sheer ignorance

  • Palestine Media Watch - keeping a watch on the wildy misinformed

  • Honest Reporting - a media monitoring site that exposes the partisan media (such as the UK's Independent newspaper) who 'gang up' on Israel at every opportunity

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