See Both Sides

Apartheid in Manchester that is similar to Israel, seeing Jewish shopkeepers in Kedem Beauty Products happily serving equally happy Muslim customers. Below the customers are photographed discussing their purchase with Police officers normally used to protecting the shop from paid-to-protest Socialists who continually picket this rent, rate and salary-paying business.

Latest example of Israeli Apartheid? Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, an East Jerusalem Palestinian, lands top job at Science Ministry and becomes the most senior Israeli official holding Palestinian citizenship.
This, as we await the appointment of someone Jewish to a senior Government post in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Eqypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, Indonesia etc.
The Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah who is the head of sharia law in the country, has ordered that the Saudi government demolish all of the churches in the land.
Here's some really good examples of Apartheid - none of it is Israeli
Here's some War on Want Apartheid on the streets of Manchester - video proof of the type of bigotry against Jews on the streets of the UK
The press in India demonstrate a deeper knowledge and understanding of Apartheid and boycotts than some of the so-called (i.e. antisemitic) liberals and lefties

Israel. An Apartheid state. Oh really? How? Where? Can you prove it? Have you been there? Have you been to one of the many 100% Muslim-occupied countries and seen how free their citizens are?
This is the new hip and current accusation by the anti-Semites, the anti-Jews, the supporters of the anti-democratic and hypocritical BDS and the bigoted ignorati who have simply run out of steam with various other spurious denunciations of the Middle East's only true democracy.
Yes. Israel the Apartheid state. Oh really?
For some strange reason, known only to themselves, they seem to have totally ignored Arab-occupied countries in the Middle East. Those that really are Apartheid - to their own native women; to gays; to minorities; to the disabled.
So why do they hypocritically accuse ONLY Israel?
APARTHEID IN ISRAEL? REALLY? What sort of moron claims this?
Well, yes. OK. I can concede that Ultra-conservative Orthodox Jews in Mea She'arim, one of the oldest Jewish neighbourhoods in Jerusalem and one populated mainly by traditional Haredi Jews that was built by the original settlers of the Old Yishuv, can object to secular Jews working, driving and shopping (etc) on the Sabbath or on High Holy Days. But this is Jews objecting to other Jews.
While they may become a bit vocal and 'shouty', and I can admit that perhaps on occasion they have been known to become a little aggressive and chuck the odd stone (not bullets or bombs) at a car passing through their district on an all-important holy day, but, that's about it. They certainly don't grab threateningly-messaged placards and rampage down the centre of Jerusalem screaming 'death to non-believers'; neither do they blow themselves up in busy restaurants; nor do they drive aeroplanes full of passengers into tall buildings full of occupants on the Tel Aviv seafront. Add they certainly don't drag people on ropes down streets behind motorcycles.
Yes. Apartheid is used purely to delegitimise Israel for no other reason than it's a Jewish state.
Where's the outrage at Assad for killing 200,000 Syrians including using Chemical weapons on women and Children?
Where's the outrage at the ISIS beheadings?
Where's the outrage at Boko Haram kidnapping hundreds if not thousands of girls and selling them as sex slaves?
Where's the outrage at the slaying of Christians throughout the Middle East and Africa?
Where's the outrage at gays being thrown off buildings?
Where's the outrage at women being stoned for being raped?
What it doesn't include are JEWS so to these anti-Semites, BDS donkeys and the rather unintilligent academics, outrages don't seem to.
So they say "Let's instead vilify the only country and the only people in the Middle East who are standing up to these REAL monsters".
And that's it.
Otherwise, eveyone else in Israel generally just gets on unhindered - be they Jew, Christian, Arab/Muslim, Seikh, non-believers, male, female, gay even Scientologist. Yes, I'm afraid they do, that's the way it is.
Here are just some other instances of Israeli Apartheid that seem to be strangely overlooked by the anti-Israel brigade - are there as many Jewish people in similar positions in Muslim-occupied countries?
an Israeli Arab judge on the High Court
an Arab judge who presided over the trial at which a former president of Israel was convicted
the Druze, Majali Wahabi, who was former acting president of Israel
the Arab captain of the Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer team
another Arab as a member of the Israeli National Football Team
the former Miss Israel, an Arab women named Yityish Aynaur
the Druze historian and poet who was Israel’s ambassador to Ecuador
the Arab director of the Emergency Medicine Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem; the popular Bedouin pop singer who was at the top of the charts
the Miss Israel Universe, half-Arab and half-Russian Christian, the top model Niral Karantinji
the Druze major-general in the IDF
the Arab Christian woman who is the “Voice of Israel” competition winner
the Arab Muslim female runner-up in the Master Chef competition 2014 - the trio, composed of an Arab Israeli woman, a male German convert to Judaism, and a Jewish Orthodox woman, competing in 2014 to be Master Chef
anyone visiting an Israeli hospital or medical center would quickly notice the presence of a significant number of Arab doctors, nurses and pharmacists
But how about other countries in the Middle East. The ones that these accusers never mention. OK, let's start with the Middle East's biggest Pariah, Iran.
Iran, that once-great country. Forever calling for the destruction of Israel. It has George Galloway, the British MP, as a regular paid broadcaster - a broadcaster who has never one even hinted, yet alone suggested they stop doing this. A man who earns over £300,000 on top of his MP's salary of £67,000 for his broadcasting in pariah countries.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the latest in a line of 14th Century-seeking leaders since the admittedly by no means innocent, but otherwise relatively normal, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was deposed in 1979 by the blood-lusting lunatic, Ayatollah Khomeni, has recently proposed some mighty fine laws to further eradicate women's rights.
restrict birth control (he wants population to double from 77million to 150milion over next 50 years)
outlaw vasectomies
outlaw female sterilisation
ban recruitment of single teachers
childless lawyers to not be permitted to practice family law
restrict access to jobs for childless adults
employers to give precedence for jobs to people with children
give rights to citizens to morally police correctness of the currently cumpulsory-by-law womens' hijab (headscarf) - men on motorcycles are increasingly throwing acid in the faces of women who show too much hair or wear 'excessive' make-up
some clerics regularly declare that "for solving the issue of hijab, blood must be shed"
women are also increasingly being stabbed by 'morally upright citizens' for not wearing the 'correct' hijab
The detestable and hypocritical BDS and their Apartheid-Israel accusing supporters are strangely quiet about all this
Saudi Arabia is currently ranked127th out of 136 countries for gender parity
all women, regardless of age, are required to have a male guardian
women are prohibited from driving
Saudi women constitute a mere 13% of the country's native workforce
there is high sex segregation in Saudi Arabia
women are alleged to have a `lack of capacity` so women may need their guardian's permission for marriage and divorce,travel, if under 45, education, employment, opening a bank account , elective surgery particularly when sexual in nature
Saudi Arabian men receive a text message on their mobile phones whenever a woman under their custody leaves the country, even if she is traveling with her guardian
The ownership of a woman is passed from one man to another. Ownership of the woman is passed from the father or the brother to another man, the husband
most women are expected to wear the hijab (head covering), a full black cloak called an abaya, and a face-veil called niqab
women are required to have men swear for them in a court of law
there are no laws defining the minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia
the inheritance share of women in Saudi is generally smaller than that to which men are entitled
with no penal code in Saudi Arabia, there is no written law which specifically criminalizes rape or prescribes its punishment. The rape victim is often punished as well
there is no prohibition against spousal or statutory rape
the rights of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transvestite) people in Saudi Arabia are unrecognised
the Saudi Constitution does not provide for a right to privacy
Saudi Arabia has no laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity - discriminations is actually encouraged
the Saudi government censors the media with fines, imprisonment and, for foreigners, deportation for any person possessing, importing, distributing or producing media without governmental approval
for same-sex activity prison sentences of several months to life, fines and/or whipping/flogging, castration, torture, vigilante execution, or death can be sentenced on first conviction. A second conviction merits execution
conversion from Islam to another religion is considered apostasy and punishable by death
religious freedom is virtually non-existent
churches, temples and synagogues may not be built
Sharia law applies to all people inside Saudi Arabia, regardless of religion
Saudi Arabia prohibits public non-Muslim religious activities
the death penalty is recopmmended for anyone caught carrying or smuggling a bible into the country
judges may discount the testimony of people who are not practicing Muslims
Saudi Arabia's treatment of religious minorities has been described by both Saudis and non-Saudis as "apartheid" and "religious apartheid
The detestable and hypocritical BDS and their Apartheid-Israel accusing supporters are strangely quiet about all this
Although Palestinians have lived in Lebanon for more than six decades, they are still treated as foreigners when it comes to obtaining a work permit
Palestinians cannot own property in Lebanon
Palestinians in Lebanon are banned from working as doctors, dentists, lawyers, engineers or accountants
Mohammed Nabil Taha, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy, died on 16 March 2011 at the entrance to a Lebanese hospital after doctors refused to help him because his family could not afford to pay for medical treatment and they would't treat a Palestinian for free (Israel admits Palestinian patients to its hospitals for free).
The detestable and hypocritical BDS as well as the UN and all the other ignorant Apartheid-Israel accusing supporters are strangely quiet about all this
Qatar's infamous "kafala" system means that workers on the World Cup Stadiums have to turn over the passports to the companies employing them, opening them up to all manner of abuse and injustice and effectively trapping them in Qatar
The International Trade Union Confederation estimates there will be 4,000 deaths to migrant workers building the stadia for the 2022 World Cup. That's building stadiums, not civilians protecting themselves from Qatar-sponsored Hamas rockets