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Case studies demonstrating what we, as British Jews, face on a daily basis - how is this acceptable?
Highlighted below are some of the openly anti-Semitic rhetoric that rather perverted people enjoy to dissimenate. What is most galling is that these people, supporting a botcott of Israel, have probably never been to Israel, have never met or talked to either a Jew or a Palestinian, and most disgusting of all, despite telling others not to use Israeli products, hypocritically CONTINUE TO USE ISRAELI PRODUCTS THEMSELVES. Many of these people demonstrate frightening similarities to the reviled Nazi collaborators of the Second World War.
And none can answer (with hundreds having been asked directly) the very simply question "Why only Israel?"

Dr Karen Bett, psychiatrist from Glasgow
On 15th October 2015, this Facebook (which seems to allow anti-Semitism to go unbridled due to its farcical and often condemned 'Community Standards') page was discovered. Owned by a Dr Karen Betts who works for the NHS in Lothian, Scotland, she is a supporter of the virulently anti-Semitic Palestine Sodhilarity (sic) Campaign, an orgainsation that is famed for preferring to see Jews murdered rather than helping Palestinians. She regularly re-posts the "Pallywood" style fictitious propaganda that Gaza has become famed for, and most disturbingly, not once, as a doctor, has she ever critisised the killing of Jews.
She is plainly an anti-Semite. In typical fashion, she hypocritically encourages and extols the convoluted and anti-social virtues of boycotting Israel, while happily using Israeli products (such as a Facebok page which runs on Israeli-invented code) herself.
To say she is a doctor and psychiatrist in the NHS and remains in their emplopy is frankly as deplorable as it is worrying, given that it was suggested in the media that she herself was the result of a medical order by the General Medical Council. She has been taken to task in the media for pushing slimming pills on the back of her employment in the NHS, thus proving that every clod (sic) has a silver lining.
A thoroughly detestable bigot. Who plainly needs to seek ongoing medical help herself.
* Scotsman: GMC orders medical for slimming pills selling doctor