See Both Sides
These are just some of the products the Israel boycotters don't want you to have the freedom of choice to use.
By wanting to prevent you using them, they are threatening not only the qualityof your life, but your actual life itself.
The boycottors don't care about you or your families.
And they don't care about the Palestinians.
The BDS protest cost over 600 Palestinians (and a further 900 Israeli Arabs and Israelie) their jobs and livelihoods as a result of the forced relocation by the SodaStream company from the West Bank in Israel due to the undemocratic protestations by the BDS supporters.
Is this the way that an orgainsation worried about Palestinians should behave? Losing those, they supposedly support, their jobs?
The Qatar-funded multi-millionaires of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) simply don't care about the Palestinians, in whose name they are constantly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-Jew. Take on of their chief protagonists, the multi-millionaire Omar Barghouti, who is so busy "caring" about Palestiniains in his unbeliebably hypocritical "do as I say and not as I do" manner, that he has actually not contributed ANYTHING to Palestinians bar anti-Semitism. Not a single cent. Here is the scantimonious, anti-Jewish Qatari.
Their rent-a-crowd mentality regarding those who protest under their virulently anti-Semitic banner is a disgrace, with many protesters outside Jewish premises in the UK simply not knowing what they are actually protesting about. When challenged and asked where Israel and Gaza is, BDS supporters offered these:
These protesters are nothing but anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish rabble who certainly don't care about any plight the Palestinians may have, especially as they don't appear to even know where either Israel or Gaza are.
The anti-Semitic (as in straightforwardly anti-Jewish) Omar Barghouti, founding committee member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has stated, in typical undemocratic BDS style, that ending the Israeli occupation in the west-bank will not end the BDS movement actions.
And where did the millionaire (who has never donated funds to ordinary Palestinians) Barghouti study for his doctorate while actively lobbying for a worldwide economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel? - Tel Aviv University (TAU), thus not only paying fees to an Israeli University and not paying fees to one of the Palestinian Universities, but proving that his education was better in Israel than in that of a University in Arab-occupied lands.
And most galling of all is the hypocritical manner with which the BDS carry out their boycott of Israel. Consistently using Israeli technology or technology originating in Israel themselves while undemocratically wanting to stop others using it. They and their boycott supporters openly use:
most smartphones camera chips developed and made in Israel
PCs with Celeron or Pentium processors developed in Israel
Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10 developed in Israel
flash storage drives invented in Israel
anti-virus technology invented in Israel
iPhones and iPads featuring Israeli development
SMS invented in Israel
Facebook pages driven by Israeli technology
email owing its roots to Israeli development
a host of life-enriching and life saving-medical inventions, medicines and treatments for cancer, stomach ailments and degenerative diseases
The BDS are nothing but an uncharitable "do as we say and not as we do" organisation devoted to the destruction of the only democratic state in the Middle East. And their sheep-like and often highly-ignorant devotees in the Western World form part of the worst low lives there are, pure rabble and unemployable bigots.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) set a new low in hypocrisy when, on Tuesday 07 April 2015, they announced they would definitely not be organising a rally (or anything) in protest at the IS/Daesh massacre in the Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk.
Could this be because Israel was not involved, thus proving that the vitriolically anti-Jewish PSC have absolutely no interest in the Palestinians they have ably demonstrated yet again they untruthfully claim to represent?
The hypocritical and undemocratic boycotters' day of reckoning is coming - superb article about the future of the fascists of the BDS
An excellent opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post by Yaakov Menken that the BDS will be unable to answer.