See Both Sides

American Hollywood celebrities who signed a pro-Israel petition at the time of Hamas rocketing and the resulting response by Israel following Hamas breaking each successive cease-fire
Michael Adler
Avi Arad
Tom Arnold
Jeff Astrof
Craig Balsam
Gary Barber
Roseanne Barr
Elana Barry
Jonathan Baruch
Aaron Bay-Schuck
Lainie Sorkin Becky
Steven Bensusan
Adam Berkowitz
Greg Berlanti
Jordan Berliant
Mayim Bialik
Joshua P Binder
Todd Black
Michael Borkow
Scooter Braun
Dan Brecher
Eric Brooks
Dan Bucatinsky
David Byrnes
Omri Casspi
Josh Charles
Etan Cohen
Joe Cohen
Marc Dauer
Craig David
Donald De Line
Matt DelPiano
Josh Deutsch
Minnie Driver
Jack Dytman
Lee Eisenberg
Doug Ellin
Diane English
Dan Erlij
Ron Fair
Dave Feldman
James Feldman
Patti Felker
Sam Fischer
Erica Forster
Gary Foster
Doug Frank
Bryan J. Freedman
Geordie E. Frey
William Friedkin
Daryl Friedman
Michael Fricklas
Jeremy Garelick
Ran Geffen-Lifshitz
Andrew Genger
Jody Gerson
Risa Gertner
Jami Gertz
Gary Ginsberg
David Glick
Jonathan Glickman
Evan Goldberg
Gil Goldschein
Tony Goldwyn
Nate Goodman
Marc Graboff
Kelsey Grammer
Trudy Green
Adam Griffin
Iris Grossman
Phil Hacker
Sanaa Hamri
Adi Hasak
Ned Haspel
Andrew Hurwitz
Kathy Ireland
Bill Jacobson
Neil Jacobson
Jonathan Jakubowicz
Nathan Kahane
Adam Kaller
Zach Katz
Ryan Kavanaugh
Ron Kenan
Larry Kennar
Kevin King-Templeton
Michael Kives
Courtney Kivowitz
Patrick Knapp
Amanda Kogan
Steven Kram
Erik Kritzer
Peter Landesman
Eriq La Salle
Sherry Lansing
Estelle Lasher
Michael Lasker
Keili Lefkovitz
Carol Leifer
Avi Lerner
Colin Lester
Ben Levine
Susan Levinson
David Levy
Shuki Levy
Linda Lichter
Jonathan Littman
David Lonner
Benji Madden
Joel Madden
Bill Maher
Joshua Malina
Rob Markus
Orly Marley
Ziggy Marley
Bill Masters
Barry McPherson
Brian Medavoy
Jeff Melman
Scott Melrose
Jeffrey D. Melvoin
Rina Mimoun
Michael Morales
Alan Nierob
Michael Nyman
James Packer
Scott Packman
Amy Pascal
Donald S. Passman
Brett Paul
Linda Perry
Richard Plepler
Rob Prinz
Dan Rabinow
Dean Raise
Bruce M. Ramer
David Ready
Ivan Reitman
David Renzer
Hanna Rochelle
Seth Rogen
John Rogovin
Lena Roklin
Zvi Howard Rosenman
Bill Rosenthal
Phil Rosenthal
Brian Ross
Michael Rotenberg
Rob Rothman
Robert Rovner
Susan Rovner
Haim Saban
Nancy Sanders
Mark Schiff
Steve Schnur
Jordan Schur
Sam Schwartz
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Adam Schweitzer
Scott Siegler
Ben Silverman
Sarah Silverman
Martin Singer
Aaron Sorkin
Steve Spira
Sylvester Stallone
Norman Steinberg
Gary Stiffelman
Gene Stupnitsky
Eric Suddleson
Nick Styne
Danny Sussman
Traci Szymanski
Nina Tassler
Adam Taylor
Mitch Tenzer
Fred D. Toczek
Michael Tolkin
Jonathan Tropper
Paul Wachter
Nina Wass
Avi Wasserman
Steven Weber
Bernie Weinraub
Jerry Weintraub
David N. Weiss
Alan Wertheimer
Ron West
Nikki Wheeler
Bryan Wolf
Sharon Tal Yguado
Pete Yorn
Rick Yorn
Some of the sentient and intelligent people who have signd a letter to the Guardian conmdemning boycotts of Israel - 22 10 2015
Naomi Alderman
Shay Alkalay
Bennett Arron
Jonathan Aycliffe
Daniel Battsek
John Battsek
Guto Bebb MP
Gina Bellman
Michael Berg
Josh Berger
Bob Blackman MP
Neil Blair
Iwona Blazwick
Elli Bobrovizki
Gabi Bobrovizki
Melvyn Bragg
David Burrowes MP
Teresa Cahill
Colin Callender
Simon Chinn
Danny Cohen
Frank Cohen
Prof Susan Collins
Wendy Cope
Loraine da Costa
Marcus Davey
Oliver Dowden MP
Daniel Easterman
Ruth Dudley Edwards
Michael Dugher MP
Brian Elias
Yigal Elstein
Allie Esiri
Michael Etherton
Moris Farhi MBE
Niall Ferguson
Stanley Fink
Larry Finlay
Amanda Foreman
Michael Foster
Andrew Franklin
Nick Fraser
Mike Freer MP
Julian Friedman
Sonia Friedman
Jonny Geller
Adèle Geras
David Glick
Taryn Gold
Amanda Goldman
Richard Goldstein
Michael Grade
Maurice Gran
Linda Grant
Miriam Gross
Tom Gross
Stephen Grosz
Peter & Martine Halban
Jan Harlan
Ronald Harwood
Noreena Hertz
John Heyman
Lilian Hochhauser
Tom Holland
John Howell MP
Judy Ironside
David Japp
Andrea Jenkyns MP
Zygi Kamasa
Jack Kirkland
Evgeny Kissin
Michael Kuhn
David Kustow
Norman Lebrecht
Sam Leifer
Teddy Leifer
Camilla Lewis
David Levy
John Levy
Maureen Lipman
Andrew Macdonald
Hilary Mantel
Stephen Margolis
Dan Marks
Laurence Marks
Denis MacEoin
Charlotte Mendelson
Yael Mer
Ivan Moscovich
Maajid Nawaz
Anthony Newman
Gavin Newman
Hayley Newstead
Paula Noble
Tracy-Ann Oberman
Matthew Offord MP
Cosh Omar
Martin Paisner
Robin Pauley
Leo Pearlman
Daniel Peltz
Andrew Percy MP
Eric Pickles MP
Stuart Polak
Monica Porter
Gail Rebuck
Charlie Redmayne
Andrew Roberts
JK Rowling
Paul Ruddock
Prof Carol Rumens
Marc Samuelson
Charles Robert Saumarez Smith
Prof Robert Saxton
Joanna Scanlan
Kenny Schachter
Simon Schama
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Francesca Segal
Anthony Seldon
Rick Senat
Zaab Sethna
Jonathan Shalit
Bernard Shapero
David Shelley
Clive Sinclair
Daniel Silver
Lucy Silver
Dan Silverston
Chloe Smith MP
Karen Smith
Mark Smith
Prof Ashley Solomon
Claire Speller
Rob Suss
George Szirtes
Paul Trijbits
Kevin Tsjiuhara
Gabe Turner
Moni Varma
Rebecca Wallersteiner
Minette Walters
Zoë Wanamaker
Angela Watkinson MP
George Weidenfeld
Fay Weldon
Heather Wheeler MP
Robert Winston
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
David Young
Toby Young

Here is a list of some of the personalities on the other side of the fence with seemingly no time whatsoever for the pathetic Waters and the equally pathetic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and the Jews.
And make no mistake. The world in finally waking up to the fact that the BDS are not anti-Israel; they are anti-Jew and anti-Semitic.
South Carolina Representative Alan Clemmons, who pioneered legislation against the BDS, commended South Carolina's Governor Nikki Haley for swiftly signing the bill to make BDS and Israel boycott activity illegal..
“Discriminatory boycotts have historically been used as a form of economic warfare to forward the purposes of hatred and bigotry. The tactics employed by the Nazis serve as a poignant example,” Clemmons said in a prepared statement. “In this day and age, no group better demonstrates this fact than the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, BDS."
DAVID CAMERON - Prime Minister of the UK
STEPHEN HARPER - former Prime Minister of Canada
THE RT. HON. SIR ERIC PICKLES - Former Communities Secretary, HM Government
THE RT. HON. SAJID JAVID - Former Culture Secretary
THE RT. HON. MICHAEL GOVE - Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Whip
JOHN BAIRD - Canadian Foreign Minister
JIM MURPHY - politician and former leader of the Labour Party in Scotland
ANNE HIDAGLO - Mayor of Paris told fascist BDS where to get off
COLONEL RICHARD KEMP CBE - former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan
MIKE FREER MP, Conservative, Finchley/Golders Green
MATTHEW OFFORD MP, Conservative, Hendon
JACKSON CARLAW MSP (Member Scottish Parliament)
IAN AUSTIN MP, Labour, Dudley
MARK HOBAN - MP, Conservative, Fareham
JOAN RYAN - MP, Labour , Enfield North
ED BALLS - politician, Labour, former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
CHRISTINA SUMMERS - Independent City Councillor for Hollingdean & Stanmer Ward - Brighton & Hove City Council
KENNETH MESHOE - president of the African Christian Democratic Party, South Africa
HANIF BALI- MP Swedish Moderate Party
Swedish MPs with representatives of Israel advocacy groups at a 19 January 2016 meeting in Stockholm, including vice chairman of WZO David Breakstone (2nd from right), MP Hanif Bali (3rd from right), MP Mikael Oscarsson (6th from right), and former Israeli MK Dov Lipman (7th from right). (Times of Israel and courtesy)
DR DENIS McEION - academic
JOHN BOEHNER - Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
SENATOR JOE NEGRON - (R-Palm City) US Senate
DOUG LAMBOURN Republican Congressman - Colorado - Anti-BDS
RON DeSANTIS Republican Congressman - Florida - Anti-BDS
ROD LIDDLE - Sunday Times journalist and writer
JULIE BURCHILL - journalist and writer
DR. ABDULLAN SWALHA - Amman-based Center for Israel Studies
MICHAEL SUKKAR - MP for Deakin, Victoria in Australia
JOHN VOIGHT - actor and staunch supporter of Israel
CHUCK NORRIS - eats the BDS raw and spits them out
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - singer, songwriter
WILL SMITH - actor
BIL MAHER - TV host, comdian, writer
PAULA ABDUL - singer
CARLOS SANTANA - musician, his original non-appearance a coupe of years ago was hyjacked by the BDS
SIR PAUL McCARTNEY - (received death threats - the boycott brigade seeming very civil NOT)
SIR ELTON JOHN - “Musicians spread love and peace, bringing people together. That’s what we do. We don’t cherry-pick our conscience.”
ALICIA KEYS - (also received death threats - nice one Roger Waters and BDS)
BLACK EYED PEAS - and the irrepressible WILL I AM
JOHN LYDON - “I have absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won’t understand how anyone can have a problem with how they (the Palestinians) are treated.” - John pooh-poohing the facile Roger Waters
JON BON JOVI - rock singer. Said about the BDS “Yes, I heard about that but it doesn’t interest me. I told my managers to give one simple answer: That I’m coming to Israel and I’m excited to come.”
DEPCHE MODE - British group
JOE BONAMASSA - US guitar rock legend who isn't even 40 yet!
MOBY - singer, songwriter (he said that the intensity of the attacks against him before he came to Israel made him suspect that this wasn't an objective movement that was concerned with people's welfare, but with something dark and dubious)
HOWARD STERN - American Radio and television personality, who said: “Defending Israel isn’t fashionable, I know. It is a tremendous distraction for Arab leaders to say, ‘Let’s get the Jews, let’s get Israel, it’s all their fault.’ As long as their poor people are focused on Israel they don’t wake up and realize who is stealing their money. Their lives aren’t getting any better from all this crap, so don’t be fooled by Roger Waters and his statements.”
DEEP PURPLE - legendary heavy rockers (vocalist Ian Gillan stressed to reporters that musicians should remain impartial in political disputes, and very intelligently likened the boycott of Israel to making the assumption that Deep Purple supported all of Tony Blair's policies because they gave a concert in London ten years ago)
MADONNA - singer, songwriter, dancer, actress
PET SHOP BOYS - British group
FOREIGNER - UAS/UK rock group
ECHO AND THE BUNNEYMEN - deleted and banned the BDS'ers swamping their facebook page (how about allowing freedom of expression then BDS?)
MORRISSEY - former Smiths’ frontman (wrapped himself in an Israeli Flag and asked “Mah Nishmah?” - “How Are You?” in Hebrew)
SARAH SILVERMAN - American comedienne and actor
JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - went to Western Wall to leave message
JENNA JAMESON - former adult film star
IAN ANDERSON - and Jethro Tull
OZZY OSBORNE - what can one say about the incredible rock institution that is Ozzy?
METALLICA - heavy metal giants, whose playing with symphony orchestras has to be listened to
RIHANNA - diva, but does sit on both sides of the fence
CHRIS CORNELL - formerly Soundgarden
RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS - American hard rockers
JULIO IGLESIAS - Spanish crooner
MICKEY HART - drummer from legendary The Grateful Dead